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Free flash games portbale player

Animal Hunter
A Parting Shot
Archery Challenge
Bowman 2
Castle Defender
Little Johns Archery

Fisher Boy
Lord Of Harpoons
Shooting Fish

100 Men
Clay Pidgeon Shoot
Chicken Attack
Crack Shot
Gun Run
Paintball Stress
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire 2
Skeet Shoot
Smokin Barrels
The Sniper
Turkey Shooter
Vinnies Shooting Yard 3
Wild West

Crow In Hell
Dodge Fishy
Franky The Fish
Franky The Fish 2
Tree Defense
Trouble On The Way

Boat Rush
Jetboat Racing
Underwater Attack
Winged Bullet

Game description, instructions, and controls found below each game. Thumbnail game index found here.

A Parting Shot

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Your character is a ninja styled warrior seeking revenge through stealth and perseverance as he treks the bamboo forest meeting with opponents armed with swords and similar weapons. Some opponents are able to withstand more than one shot so take note to make your shot from the furthest distance to assure time to get another shot.

Controls "A" key moves archer to the left. "D" key moves archer to the right. "W" key makes archer jump. Use your mouse to aim. Hold down and release left mouse button to launch arrows.

Disclaimer: This game is published for your amusement and enjoyment. Some content contained with this game may not be reflective to those views shared by Water and Woods. Water and Woods has no control over the advertisements which may appear in some games.

If you design games and your game is similar to the ones found here send us an email and ask about having yours posted on the site.