Whitlock’s Hare Jig by Jason Akl
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In the vast world of fly tying hardly any flies possess the versatility to consistently entice bass, pike and large rainbow trout into biting. These heavily sought after predatory species of fish, along with many others, have very special appetites which for a few key reasons seem to include the Hare Jig.
Looking at this fly from a construction standpoint there really is not much too this pattern. Simply enough this fly includes just a pair of weighted eyes, rubber legs and a few different colors of rabbit zonker strips. These flies can be fished successful in the surface film if stripped into the current, or deep near the bottom if allowed to sink for a sufficient amount of time. The Hare Jig is particularly productive when fished near sunken structure like trees or stumps where it can get a reaction from fish holding tight to this cover.
Materials Used in the Hare Jig
Hook: TMC Streamer Size 4
Thread: Uni-Thread Black 6/0
Eyes: Spirit River Real Eyes
Tail: Black/ Chartreuse Zonker Strips
Legs: Green Round Rubber Strips
Tying Steps
1. Start this fly by placing the hook into your vice securely and attaching the thread to the hook shank. Using figure eight thread wraps attach the weighted eyes 1/8 inch back from the hook eye. Cut a 4 inch strip of purple zonker and attach it securely to the top of the hook shank at the point above the barb. Cut a small ½ piece of white zonker and super glue it to the bottom tip of the tail.
2. After the tail is secured in place cut a second 3 inch strip of purple zonker and attach it at the tie down point for the tail. Wrap this zonker strip around the hook up the body of the fly being careful not to wrap down any of the zonker fibers from previous wraps. Stop at the ½ point and take one wrap of thread around the zonker just to hold it into place loosely. At this ½ point tie in 2 strips of rubber legs (folder over) to each side of the hook making 8 legs in total (4 per side).
3. Pull the zonker over the weighted eyes and tie off securely. Build a small neat head for the fly, whip finish and cement thoroughly.
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