I can no longer see the earth through the leaf covered trees along the mountainsides visible from my office window. My once quiet niche, sealed off from the outdoors by the soundproofing afforded by a window is now a bustling and living orchestra of sounds smells and sensations. Geese squabble as they descend on the nearby flowing river on their way back to the cool refuges of the far north for the summer. I only envy their freedom and stamina, after all, who would really want to change places in life with a goose?
The occasional cool breeze that drifts over my hands as I type will be too short lived, followed by the heat and humidity of summer. But I chance to enjoy it while I can to write my Editors piece. I did the same over the last several days of editing the material for this issue and lamenting the impending change. I will begin to look forward to the fall, I simply cannot help that part of my being. The next opportunity I have to reiterate this exercise will be in the thick of it all …….summer. Maybe being a goose isn’t such a bad idea after all.
I think I’ll grab my binoculars, head outside, enjoy some spring weather in the mountains and think of a job well done.
Welcome to the May issue of the Water and Woods Online Magazine. We are proud to offer you this issue as we feel our staff has done a great job at being informative, interesting and thought provoking.
In this issue we have a bonefish fly that can’t fail according to our fly-tying expert Jason Akl, (I want to test that theory out, anyone want to send me to Christmas Island for a week?) who presents the thing in his usual thorough fashion. We have the complete how-to for muskie, musky or muskellunge however you like to spell it, a trip down Texas-nightmare-fishing -trip lane and a thought provoking piece on selecting your six favorite guns if the liberals have their way, plus much more.
It was exciting as usual to put all of this together and edit the final pieces, there are very few scraps on the editing room floor this go-round. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do in bringing it to you. Get out there and get some sun on your face and enjoy the late spring and early summer offerings as we drive ever faster toward summer 2009.