How To Tie The Sili-Skin-Scud by Jason Akl
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If you have not already found the usefulness of fishing small freshwater crustacean patterns, then you have been missing out. Tiny freshwater crustaceans are a very important food source for trout; and most of the quality trout streams found across the U.S. are often loaded with scuds. Although there are many different types of these freshwater critters the general characteristics of scuds can be noted as grayish to brown coloration, less than a centimeter in length, and a hard shellback with lots of little legs underneath.
Due to the scuds great adaptability they can be found in many different hiding places along the stream reach. Scuds can be readily located among the many different types of submerged weeds, wood and waterlogged debris that takes up residence in our favorite waters. In faster moving streams that are riddled with rocks, simply turning over a stone or two will uncover these discreet bottom dwellers.
Fishing scud patterns is done in the exact same method that you would any other weighted nymph pattern. An across and upward stream cast is used to get the fly where it needs to be and then simply allowing the fly to drift drag-free downstream is the key to getting fish to take notice. If the fish do not seem to be taking the fly actively then adding a few timely strips to the fly line as it drifts downstream should do the trick and get the fish to bite.
A good idea is to use a bright yarn or foam indicator with these types of scud patterns. Fish will often take these flies very gently so one must be able to detect even the slightest of movement with his or her line. Next time you venture out with you fly rod in hand be sure to bring along a few scud patterns it might just be the pattern you have been waiting for.
Materials Used In the Sili-Skin Scud
Hook: Mustad Scud Hook Size 12
Thread: Gray Uni-Thread 8/0
Shellback: Oil Slick Sili-Skin
Body: Gray Synthetic Dubbing
Weight: Lead Free Weight
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1.Start this fly by securing the hook into your vice tightly and attaching the thread behind the hook eye.
2.On the hook shank make several wrap of lead free weight to provide as weight as you need to fish this fly on or near bottom. After you have the weight in place wrap the ends and the middle down with thread so that it can not rotate around the hook shank freely. A drop or two of head cement on this added weight will help to hold things a little better.
3.Cut a thin strip of sili-skin and attach it to the hook shank. Wrap the sili-skin down with thread until you have come to the bottom of the hook bend.
4.Dub the thread and start building a thick body of dubbing. After every eighth inch or so of dubbing you lay down pull the sili-skin shellback forward and wrap down with thread. After the shellback has been bound down tightly pull it to the rear of the fly and resume dubbing the body.
5.Keep this process of dubbing and pulling the shellback forward until you have reached the back of the hook eye. Tie off the sili-skin shellback and cut off the excess.
6.Whip finish and cement the head of the fly. Get out your dubbing comb or bodkin and proceed to tease out the underside of the body you just created to simulate the numerous little legs found on scuds.
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