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Archery Challenge Game
Skill Level - Gameplay
Archery Challenge offers some intuitive bow shooting with a twist. This game takes place in medieval times as a lightly armoured
knight who has the task of completed each archery course to advance. The twist is, you can't see your targets! In that twist
is also the fun and skill of this game. You make and correct judgements to your shot angle and the power used for launching your arrow.
Fairly straight-forward control in this game. Click and hold your left mouse button to pull your bow back and anchor at the desired
angle of trajectory. Hint: Pay attention to the angle and power meters at the top of the game. From
these you can make your adjustments and even remember them to advance to the next level more quickly.
Disclaimer: This game is published for your amusement and enjoyment. Some content contained with this game may not be reflective to those views shared by Water and Woods. Water and Woods has no control over the advertisements which may appear in some games.
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