Game description, instructions, and controls found below each game. Thumbnail game index found here.
Clay Pidgeon Shoot Game
Skill Level - Gameplay
Here's a shooting game that's right to the point as you try to blast clay pidgeons from the sky in each course. This game also
takes a certain level of skill that will come with the time you play. As with most games, succeed in reaching the goals and
move forward to more challenging rounds of competition.
Keep on your toes with these controls because you'll be using them quickly! Aim your gun with your mouse pointer and fire
your guns using the Z and X buttons once you have the target in your sights.
Disclaimer: This game is published for your amusement and enjoyment. Some content contained with this game may not be reflective to those views shared by Water and Woods. Water and Woods has no control over the advertisements which may appear in some games.
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