Your contributions help support and promote the outdoors!
If you’re interested in submitting an article we’re interested in publishing it. Our guidelines are very basic and we have outlined the most frequently asked questions below.
Why should I contribute an article?
This site was created to bring outdoorsmen and women together in a unified effort to show support of the outdoors. If you enjoy the atmosphere of the great outdoors then why not help preserve it by speaking along with many voices at one time.
Do I have to be a writer?
Your writing skills aren’t of major interest to be perfectly frank. It’s the subject matter we look for. All articles are edited multiple times for punctuation and grammar. If we feel the article itself may be lacking in content we may ask you to provide a little more detail if possible. All in all we turn very few submitted articles away that have made a positive attempt to write something of interest for our viewers. Feel free to look through the articles that are currently appearing on the site. It may sound as though we are lenient with what we publish but you will find the materials appearing on the site are not sub-standard in quality. If you’re writing is exceptional, and you would like to contribute on a regular basis, then let us know. We may be able to setup a section of the website for your material.
What do I get back from this?
We allow 1 link back to your website or email address and of course the exposure of a targeted reading audience. [Those articles that appear to be nothing more than advertisement are discarded without question. If you submit an article we ask that you dont plug all your friends and sponsors as those links will not appear in the article at time of publication.]
There are no immediate monetary gains to be had here as most of the work is done by volunteers who enjoy being part of each issue. Some of our writers and contributors use this opportunity to create or broaden their writing portfolio. We’ve helped several writers make a career of their skills and have contributed to numerous book promotions. If submitting your material helps you get a writing job or promote yourself then that’s great. You’ve used our service wisely and effectively. We find that the main reason people contribute comes down to a general affection for the outdoors and feel that this is a way they can give something back.
What do you get for doing this work?
Nothing besides visitors and satisfaction. If a visitor clicks on our sponsors, advertisers, or affiliates, then we may make a commission but nothing is directly gained from your article itself. We do not litter your articles with ads. We do reserve the right to use your article in an effort to promote this website and bring more attention to everyone’s work. The copy of the work you submitted will remain on our site unless removed by an editor.
Can I send pictures with my stories?
Absolutely! We welcome pictures but they must be of decent quality. We reserve the right to refuse the use of any photos we deem unsuitable as all work, whether ours or not, reflects back on Water and Woods in it’s entirety. Send pictures seperately, not embedded within your article text. Please note we prefer digital photographs. Scanned photos typically do not hold the quality expected by our readers and it is the rare instance where we will accept and publish a scanned photo.
Can I write about anything?
What we’re looking for is material that reflects our website for the most part. Hunting, fishing, trapping, and all the avenues that lead to and fro. If you’re unsure about the content feel free to send us an email at the address listed below.
Is there anything else I should know?
Yes, all the legal stuff! When submitting an article you understand and agree that the material is yours or you have legal consent to use said material. Water and Woods accepts no liabilities for content use out of conduct as outlined above. Furthermore, we will also provide any legal entities requesting information regarding copyright infringement found within our website all data and material needed to prosecute.
Where do I send my article?
Please consider adding waterandwoods.net to your whitelist in your email program so that we may correspond with any follow-up regarding your article.
Send all material to:
Be sure to clearly label the subject to prevent our spam filters from discarding your mail and please make sure you have a title for your story before sending. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.