Winter is losing its powerful grip in some areas of the country while still rearing its ugly head in others. Some places that are not traditional winter locations are seeing snow, while other northern climates see mid 70 degree weather on the same day, but that’s spring time. Soon the ice will melt and the cold streams will run fast and hard. The trout seasons will open soon in many states and the excitement of getting back outdoors will be heavy in the air.
Welcome to the March 2009 issue of the Water and Woods Online Magazine where we bring the outdoors inside to meet you. We often refer to this issue as one of the cabin fever issues since the material can make you long to feel the fresh air in your lungs again. Our team of staff authors have complied a great lineup for you with things like survival cooking to a great little single shot shotgun recommendation, some tips on selecting and outfitting a fishing boat and even a step-by-step tying lesson about a fly that the trout simply can’t resist.
We think you will enjoy the read, and want to thank all of those who contribute their work to bring you this magazine. From the staff and management, thank you for joining us and have a safe and prosperous time afield.