Dedicated To The Outdoors

Posts in category Staff Articles

Understanding Turkeys

Understanding Turkeys

Understanding Turkeys by TR Michels article copyright Turkey habits vary greatly by region and even local areas. Some Eastern and Merriam’s turkeys become accustomed to human activity and inhabit cities and towns, while a few miles away the mere sight of a car will send birds into cover. In some western areas birds may frequent […]

Pre-Late Breeding, Late Breeding and ...

Pre-Late Breeding, Late Breeding and Post Rut Phases

Pre-Late Breeding, Late Breeding and Post Rut Phases by TR Michels article copyright From early to late December the does that did not conceive earlier may come into a late estrus. Older unhealthy does and does fawns may come into estrus at this time. Both the dominant and subdominant bucks may start cruising, scraping and […]

Habitat Management and Fire

Habitat Management and Fire

Habitat Management and Fire by TR Michels article copyright Fire Suppression Fires, whether from natural causes such as lighting, or caused by humans (intentionally or unintentionally) on prairies and meadows, and in brushy areas and forests, have been part of the natural process of plant regeneration for centuries. Even naturally caused wildfires can be beneficial […]

Corn Country Bucks

Corn Country Bucks

Corn Country Bucks by TR Michels article copyright In much of North America white-tailed deer can be found in and near cornfields. In the Midwestern Corn Belt a majority of the whitetail’s habitat may be corn. With the large size of these fields, and with the lack of wooded areas whitetail deer, including trophy bucks, […]

Cashing In On Metro Bucks

Cashing In On Metro Bucks

Cashing In On Metro Bucks by TR Michels article copyright Whitetail hunters are learning that the place to hunt for trophies may not be wilderness areas or farms, but in and around major metropolitan areas. Many of the freeways surrounding these areas throughout the United States cut through old farm lots, agricultural fields, swamps ravines, […]

Foul Weather Turkey Hunting

Foul Weather Turkey Hunting

Foul Weather Turkey Hunting by TR Michels article copyright Even though the first day of the spring turkey hunt was cloudy, and a cold wind was blowing, I headed for the soybean field where I had seen a flock of turkeys appear just after daylight for the last two weeks. I was fairly sure the […]

February/March Deer Management

February/March Deer Management

February/March Deer Management by TR Michels article copyright February White-tailed deer in the northern and mid-latitude states should be on their winter home ranges, looking for remaining/preferred food sources. In some areas there may still be some fawns getting bred. In the south they may still be on fall ranges, and still breeding. Coping with […]

Advanced Duck Hunting Techniques

Advanced Duck Hunting Techniques

Advanced Duck Hunting Techniques by TR Michels article copyright Normal duck hunting techniques work well during the first part of the season on the “locals” and early season migrants. However, the local ducks usually learn that the season is open in a very short time. They know where they’ll get shot at, what decoys spreads […]

Duck Hunters

Duck Hunters

Duck Hunters by TR Michels article copyright Each fall as the cold descends upon the northern lands many species of waterfowl begin their migration south to warmer climates. Duck hunters also begin their yearly migration. They leave their everyday lives as farmers, laborers, clerks, doctors, lawyers, businessmen and the thousands of other jobs that occupy […]

Seasonal Elk Activity

Seasonal Elk Activity

Seasonal Elk Activity by TR Michels article copyright Migration Because of their large size and food requirements, and because mountainous habitat forces many herding animals to wander during the summer and fall in search of food, elk often migrate when severe cold or snow depths make it difficult for them to survive and find food. […]