Dedicated To The Outdoors

Posts in category Staff Articles

Hunting Merriams Turkeys on the Nebra...

Hunting Merriams Turkeys on the Nebraska Plains

Hunting Merriams Turkeys on the Nebraska Plains by TR Michels article copyright The sun was already high in the sky when Bill and I saw our first Nebraska turkeys. They weren’t in the wooded ravines where I expected them; they were just off the highway that ran through the Sandhills region of north central Nebraska. […]

Wildlife Watching

Wildlife Watching

Wildlife Watching by TR Michels article copyright As I looked out the kitchen window last spring I was astonished to see three male Indigo Buntings and five male Rose Breasted Grosbeaks on the ground. It was the first time I had ever seen an Indigo Bunting, and I was amazed. Their blue color was astonishing; […]

Elk Calling

Elk Calling

Elk Calling by TR Michels article copyright As I sat quietly in the pre-dawn darkness a scream of a bull elk split the silence. I knew the bull was close because I could hear it coming through the trees. I waited a few minutes, and then a cow called softly. The elk screamed again and […]

Become A Predator

Become A Predator

Become A Predator by TR Michels article copyright One of the reasons humans aren’t successful when they hunt is because they don’t become a hunter. Putting on hunting clothes and picking up a hunting weapon does not make you a hunter. Taking a weapon into the field with the intention of hunting does not make […]

Choosing Deer Stands

Choosing Deer Stands

Choosing Deer Stands by TR Michels article copyright An understanding of deer behavior and travel patterns can help you choose a hunting site. Because deer feed primarily during low light conditions they have two primary rest periods, late at night and during mid-day. Generally they leave their daytime bedding areas in heavy cover late in […]

Understanding Daily Deer Movement

Understanding Daily Deer Movement

Understanding Daily Deer Movement by TR Michels article copyright One of the most important things to know about deer hunting is when to hunt. When you’re hunting you need to know where the deer are likely to be during legal shooting hours. In order to know you’ll need good knowledge of when and where deer […]

Stuck In A Rut

Stuck In A Rut

Stuck In A Rut by James L. Bruner article copyright Here we go! Another season of hunting that elusive whitetail deer is in full swing for many hunters. The reports will start to filter in regarding the latest big buck harvested and the inside information will be held in what one might consider a classified […]

Late Season Whitetails

Late Season Whitetails

Late Season Whitetails by James L. Bruner article copyright After the rut a lot of hunters call it a year regardless of whether they have scored or tanked in filling their tags. In northern climates the whether can turn frigid quickly during the later parts of November and this is one reason why many hunters […]

Safe And Effective Deer Drives

Safe And Effective Deer Drives

Safe And Effective Deer Drives by James L. Bruner article copyright While many hunters would debate that driving deer is an unsafe practice, it’s hard to deny that this is an effective means to harvesting those deer that survive by keeping themselves out of sight during daylight hours. In this article I’ll give a few […]

Reading A Rub

Reading A Rub

Reading A Rub by James L. Bruner article copyright Years ago I took a promising look at a small log cabin with 40 acres of property in the hopes of purchasing the real estate. As I inspected the cabin it was obvious that it would suit my needs but what really caught my attention was […]