Bucktails by James Smith article copyright Take a look in your tackle box and check out your selection of bucktails. Nearly 50% of muskies caught are caught on a bucktail. The term “bucktail” today is generic as applied to this lure type, but it was the early day deer dressing used almost exclusively in the […]
Posts in category Staff Articles
The Buck Of My Dreams
The Buck Of My Dreams by James L. Bruner article copyright Nearly every whitetail deer hunter can give you a single answer to the question when asked which buck has been their most memorable. The majority will respond in resounding fashion that their very first buck was their most memorable. Although there have been plenty […]
Wolverine Longbow Review
Wolverine Longbow by Pete Ward article copyright Sometimes we pick up a bow that just seems too “right” to be true. When I received the Wolverine at the ATBA Jamboree from Abe I knew this was one of those bows as soon as I shot it. The Wolverine is a little brother to the wonderful shooting Cari-Bow […]
You’re Guide To The Big Chip
You’re Guide To The Big Chip by James Smith article copyright 15,300 surface acres of Class “A” Northern Wisconsin muskie waters, nine muskies over 50” boated last season. Currently, the Chippewa Flowage holds the world record muskie. A muskie caught October 20, 1949 by Louis Spray. His muskie weighed 69 lbs. 11 oz. and was […]
Duck Hunters
Duck Hunters by TR Michels article copyright Each fall as the cold descends upon the northern lands many species of waterfowl begin their migration south to warmer climates. Duck hunters also begin their yearly migration. They leave their everyday lives as farmers, laborers, clerks, doctors, lawyers, businessmen and the thousands of other jobs that occupy […]
Camping Is Fun With Kids
Camping Is Fun With Kids by Gary Benton article copyright One of the best ways of getting a child involved with your outdoor activities it to have them involved from an early age. My children started camping as infants, but that may be too early for some children, and parents. When I take an older […]