Dedicated To The Outdoors

From The Editor March 2010

From The Editor March 2010

Wow, what a late winter it’s been, a real rollercoaster ride of weather across the country. Extremely nontraditional weather patterns in many regions with heavy snow, heavy rain and high wind. If you’re experience has been like mine, it involved shoveling several feet of global warming over the past two months. The rivers are running […]

Standing On Your Own Two Feet

Standing On Your Own Two Feet

Standing On Your Own Two Feet by Gary Benton article copyright I had only been in the arctic bush for three days, but as I looked down at my feet, I was shocked. The skin was white and looked like I had been in the bathtub for hours, the skin was that wrinkled. I knew […]

Tracking And Stalking Deer

Tracking And Stalking Deer

Tracking And Stalking Deer by TR Michels article copyright I first picked up the deer tracks on the south side of a 120 acre wood lot. I was fairly sure the tracks were made by a buck because they were on a rub route, not on the more heavily traveled trail the does used. The […]

Gerber Metolius Fine Edge Caping Knif...

Gerber Metolius Fine Edge Caping Knife Review

Nose To Nose

Nose To Nose

Nose To Nose by Jon Bryan article copyright There’s a lot of up and down walking while hunting Mearns quail and you’d better be in shape! In southern Arizona on a cool morning, Jake and I are closing in on a covey with Candy pointing and Rooster backing. Good grass, steep incline and abundant oak […]

The Winter White Blues

The Winter White Blues

The Winter White Blues by James L. Bruner article copyright Once the first of the year rolls around the scenery and daily weather changes abruptly and often becomes a challenge. Moving through the woods with snow up to your waist really limits your opportunities unless you sport a pair of snowshoes or have the room […]

Customer Service

Customer Service

Customer Service by Lyndon Combs article copyright When did customer service become such a pain in the butt? I know I might sound like an old man remembering the good old days, and maybe my elderly age of 38 is part of the problem. Seems to me like the person on the phone is younger […]

Samick Angel Mini Takedown Bow Review

Samick Angel Mini Takedown Bow Review

Samick Angel Mini Takedown Bow Review by Pete Ward article copyright

Willy Eugenes Pet Bull

Willy Eugenes Pet Bull

Willy Eugenes Pet Bull by Gary Benton article copyright “Ya know, there just ain’t much a redneck doesn’t know something about!” My Uncle Andy said as he picked up his coffee cup and took a good swig of the thick hot liquid. We were all seated at the big booth in Uncle Andy’s restaurant having […]