Dedicated To The Outdoors

Posts in category Staff Articles

The Gland Factor

The Gland Factor

The Gland Factor by James L. Bruner article copyright Understanding the functions of deer glands can play a primary role in deciphering one of the complex languages that deer use throughout the year. As we become more acquainted with the anatomy of deer, researches allow more insight into the inner workings dealing with areas such […]

Non Typical Antlers

Non Typical Antlers

Non Typical Antlers by James L. Bruner article copyright Antlers come in all shapes and sizes. From typical main frame monsters to gnarly looking abnormal protrusions that seem to sprout and drop in every direction. One question that hangs in the balance is how some deer grow racks of perfect symmetry every year while others […]

Our Last Hunt

Our Last Hunt

Our Last Hunt by James L. Bruner article copyright Sitting back, eyes closed, the memories play back in my mind like an old slide show flickering at high speed. Random frames appear punctuated with importance as they slow just long enough to capture the event and pull me back to the moment. The gray figure […]

Belligerant Bucks And Bruins

Belligerant Bucks And Bruins

Belligerant Bucks And Bruins by James L. Bruner article copyright The Foggy Buck I believe it was somewhere around ’95 or ’96 when I encountered this buck during an early morning firearm hunt one foggy morning in Michigan. Unlike other mornings I opted to grab a flashlight. Safety concerns or otherwise I really have no […]

The Little Hunter

The Little Hunter

The Little Hunter by James L. Bruner article copyright Though many days had passed spent fishing, I often wondered just how much of the outdoors I had instilled in my daughter. At 6 years of age she was as good with a rod and reel as many twice her size and enjoyed watching the fish […]

The Monarch

The Monarch

The Monarch by James L. Bruner article copyright Like his majesty walking through the hallowed halls of his kingdom the old monarch swaggered through the field wearing his crown of antlers in pride. The flushing of a lone pheasant brought him to a momentary halt as he quickly surveyed the surroundings then continued on his […]

How To Create Your Own Ghillie Suit

How To Create Your Own Ghillie Suit

How To Create Your Own Ghillie Suit by James L. Bruner article copyright Creating your own Ghillie Suit can be as simple or as ellaborate as you like. Remember as with any do it yourself project the fancier you get the more costly it can be. Ghillie suits have been used in the military for […]

Michigans Wolf Economics

Michigans Wolf Economics

Michigans Wolf Economics by James L. Bruner article copyright Honestly I dont understand it beyond a point that in the end we lose a major resource and that being the whitetail deer. I do understand that authoriative figures project a carrying capacity for how many wolves we can sustain in the Upper Peninsula. I also […]

Last Chance Perch

Last Chance Perch

Last Chance Perch by James L. Bruner article copyright I know right off the bat what most people are thinking. Icefishing? In March? Understandable for a majority of the countries regions but in the month of March you can always find those last chance ice anglers in search of various fish species willing to take […]

Commercialization vs Realization

Commercialization vs Realization

Commercialization vs Realization by James L. Bruner article copyright Years ago I left the unforgiving circus of print media not for a lack of material or capabilities, but for the sub-standards imposed by editors who have never realized the actual experience of setting their own foot to the earth for sheer pleasure or adventure. Stifled […]