Dedicated To The Outdoors

Posts in category Staff Articles



Froggin’ by Jon Bryan article copyright What is it best called, frog hunting, gigging, grabbing or shooting? I’ll choose just plain froggin’. It is the most different of all the hunting sports. Thinking about it, I have never gone frog fishing, as such, but have caught a bull frog on a small, frog colored popper […]

Muskies – More or Less?

Muskies – More or Less?

Muskies – More or Less? by James Smith article copyright Recently, a friend of mine, Don Kerr, gave me a call asking about fishing on the Chippewa Flowage. He had heard that the “Big Chip” had been getting a bad rap about not having any muskies. There didn’t appear to be any reason given, just […]

From The Editor September Issue Water...

From The Editor September Issue Water And Woods Online Magazine

Money or time, which do you have more of? I am about puked out on this story of the Spider Bull, the new world record elk taken a year ago in Utah. For just slightly more than $150,000.00 you too can be on the cover of national magazines with your trophy and more than likely […]

Muskie Lines

Muskie Lines

Muskie Lines – Super braids, Co-Poloymer, Kevlar – So What’s New? by James Smith article copyright Ah the good ol’ days! I remember the black Dacron lines, then they came out with a camouflaged line that changed color every foot or so. I have to admit that I still have an old Pfluger Rocket reel […]

Fish Tales Squared

Fish Tales Squared

Fish Tales Squared by James L. Bruner article copyright For this issue I’ve compiled two ancient fishing stories from my personal archives. This Special Place Everyone has their own special little place where, no matter how the day went or what tomorrow holds, the time spent there calms the nerves and brings peace of mind. […]

The Cockroach Tarpon Fly

The Cockroach Tarpon Fly

The Cockroach Tarpon Fly by Jason Akl article copyright The Cockroach fly pattern is not a mystery to serious salt-water anglers. Developed by legendary fly tier Lefty Kreh, this fly has accounted for many trophy tarpon being landed over the years and is still just as effective today. The cockroach fly can be used in […]

Even Alligators

Even Alligators

Even Alligators by Jon Bryan article copyright (Part one of a very unusual story about a very unusual type of fishing) Slowly tapping the sixteen foot, Calcutta, cane pole tip on the surface, the bait, two pork rinds, attached to two hooks, seemed to slide and jump, just under water, beside the dead tree. An […]

Going Out With a Bang

Going Out With a Bang

Going Out With a Bang by Lyndon Combs article copyright I don’t really know why, but I never thought I would see the end of production on the Winchester Model 70, however it appears it has come. Being a collector as well as a shooter and hunter, I decided that I wanted one of the last […]

Whitetail Security Factors

Whitetail Security Factors

Whitetail Security Factors by TR Michels article copyright During my study of white-tailed deer I discovered that deer are affected by several meteorological conditions that I call Comfort Factors. Many of these same factors also affect the health of the deer and can be considered as Security Factors. Deer rely on their sense of smell, […]

The Whine List

The Whine List

The Whine List by Gary Benton article copyright It was Bubba’s birthday and since it was close to the holidays I decided to kill two birds with one stone and take my boy out to eat. We live just a little over a hundred miles from Saint Louis, so I decided, that was where I […]