Dedicated To The Outdoors

Posts in category Staff Articles

Buffalo Stick Longbow Review

Buffalo Stick Longbow Review

Buffalo Stick Longbow Review by Pete Ward article copyright The Buffalo stick from Rodney Wright is a short bow with some real eye appeal and good shooting characteristics. It draws like butter on a hot day and is as shock free as they come. The bow I am reviewing is a 52″ 44# at 28″ […]

The Proud Americans

The Proud Americans

The Proud Americans by Gary Benton article copyright Maude turned, gave me a big grin, and winked. Her smile seemed to reflect her deep affection of the whole situation. I smiled back and held down a chuckle I felt coming on. The whole situation was unbelievable to me. “Preeeseeent arms!” A loud yell sounded from […]

From The Editor May Issue 2009

From The Editor May Issue 2009

I can no longer see the earth through the leaf covered trees along the mountainsides visible from my office window. My once quiet niche, sealed off from the outdoors by the soundproofing afforded by a window is now a bustling and living orchestra of sounds smells and sensations. Geese squabble as they descend on the […]

Rigging Your Muskie Boat

Rigging Your Muskie Boat

Rigging Your Muskie Boat by James Smith article copyright Let’s draw some parameters and establish some facts before we get too deep into this topic. First, we need to understand that there does not exist “the Ultimate Muskie Boat”. The reasons for this are as many and as varied as those of us who own […]

Simple Survival Cooking

Simple Survival Cooking

Simple Survival Cooking by Gary Benton article copyright One aspect of survival most people worry about needlessly is food. Most of our concerns are psychological, not biological. For some reason we all have a deeply rooted anxiety over having enough food and eating on a regular basis. While we can go weeks without food, we […]

A Wall Hanger

A Wall Hanger

A Wall Hanger by Jon Bryan article copyright My old neighborhood friend and fishing buddy from West University, Bill Priddy, and I both had jobs with a large computer company in Atlanta and had decided to go after a really big bass. We believed that our best chance at one would be a “pay” lake […]

Micro Mayfly Tying Lesson

Micro Mayfly Tying Lesson

Micro Mayfly Tying Lesson by Jason Akl article copyright Another one of the classic Mike Mercer patterns, the Micro Mayfly produces fish when all other patterns seem to fail. When the BWO’s or other smaller mayflies are hatching on the water the Micro Mayfly is a sure bet to put a few fish in the […]

April Deer Management

April Deer Management

April Deer Management by TR Michels article copyright The deer should be on their spring home ranges, looking for new green growth to gain back the fat they lost during the winter. This is when bucks begin growing their antlers, so if there is not enough forage for the deer to eat, you may want […]

March Of The Black Bears

March Of The Black Bears

March Of The Black Bears by James L. Bruner article copyright Last week I awoke to 2 inches of new snow followed by 8 hours of rain which was complimented by 50 mph winds and a drop in temperature that found us sitting at -10 Fahrenheit by midnight. Mid-March in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan […]

The Squirrel Hunt

The Squirrel Hunt

The Squirrel Hunt by Gary Benton article copyright Pa walked into the house, poured a cup of buttermilk and asked, “J.D., do you think Paul would like to do a little squirrel huntin’ about now?” Grinning, he replied, “Ain’t nothin’ in the world Paul likes to do more than hunt squirrels, unless it’s cat fishing!” […]