Camping With A Child by Gary Benton article copyright Those of us who enjoy sharing nature with children often mean well, but at times we fail to accomplish our goals of motivating, educating, and eliminating fears. I feel it is our responsibility as adults to teach our children properly. I have discovered that unlike adults, […]
Parachute Adams
Parachute Adams by Jason Akl article copyright The Parachute Adams is a legendary fish catcher that no serious fly angler should ever be without. There are a great many attributes to the Parachute Adams but most of its legendary status is due to its unique ability to imitate the numerous members of the mayfly and […]
Hunting Big Woods Whitetails
Hunting Big Woods Whitetails by Steve Sherk article copyright During this day and age, it seems as if we’ve got deer hunting figured out. Place stands in between bedding and feeding areas and you’ll have a wall-hanger in no time. At least that’s how it seems to be on the television. Deer hunters have truly […]
Free Printable Targets
As a courtesy to our visitors and readers who are always looking for targets, this section should give you a dozen different reasons to fire up your printer and create as many free targets as you like. These targets come in a variety of designs for those who enjoy the traditional options or something a […]
How To Survive In The Winter With You...
How To Survive In The Winter With Your Car by Gary Benton article copyright As the young woman drove along the isolated rural roadway she started getting concerned about the weather. Her children, ages four and six, were playing, laughing, and yelling in the back seat of the car. The weather, which had been so […]
How To Avoid Food Poisoning During A ...
How To Avoid Food Poisoning During A Survival Situation by Gary Benton article copyright In a survival situation, the last thing you need is to get ill. Immediately following a terrorist attack, natural disaster, or becoming lost in the woods, urgent medical assistance may be impossible to attain. All of you know the situation; there […]
Water And Ocean Survival
Water And Ocean Survival by Gary Benton article copyright Surviving after a mishap in a large body of water is tough business and one mistake can cost you your life. When I attended the United States Air Force Water Survival School, at Homestead Air Force Base, they stressed that water survival was difficult, challenging, and […]